Angelic Team Information and Recordings
angelic_teams_8-19-15.mp3 |
angelic_teams_8-12-15.mp3 |
angelic_team_-_relationships__8-26-15.mp3 |
angelic_teams_-_health__9-2-15.mp3 |
Suggestions for intentions, duties, objectives and goals. Feel free to use any that resonate with you and to create your own.
All my Angelic teams are doing their perfect work here and now.
My angelic teams clear and adjust me for my highest good.
What I ask my Angelic teams for I always receive in the way that is for my highest good.
I trust my Angelic teams and I overflow with the Love they have for me.
I am truly grateful for all that my Angelic teams bring into my life.
Enough energy to live life fully
An open heart that radiates Love
Drama free life
Relationships that enrich my life
Loving partnership with my Soul Mate
Clear channel for Guidance
To have the freedom to flow in life.
To be rich, successful, healthy, fit, have incredible relationships and to fully and unconditionally love myself.
To have the freedom and the courage to put myself first.
To live in abundance and wealth with God.
To know that I deserve God's gifts and blessings and to be open to receive them.
To have relationships that flow with grace and ease.
To have relationships where everyone is comfortable with being themselves and freely expressing what ever they are feeling because everyone is based in unconditional love and respect.
To live a life where I am being guided by my heart first.
Attract opportunities to me and open me up to seeing them.
Guide me to the knowledge and wisdom to completely clear and release all blocks to.........
Guide me to the people and places that resonate with my heart.
Attract to me people who are ready to support my business ventures.
Guide me to how to clear all genetic and ancestral issues and/or conditions that are not for my highest good.
Guide me to fun ways of having a toned and fit body.
Brings me into the vibrational alignment with perfect health.
Clear and remove all "NEEDS" from my relationships.
Grant me the wisdom and knowledge to allow me to retain my own power and not give my power away by making others "SPECIAL".
Assist me in being aware of all false beliefs and old programming which creates drama or chaos in my relationships.