If You Are Wondering About Some Aspect of Your Life Why Not Get a Channeled Message From the wonderful Higher Beings who are here to guide you.

Would you like to talk to Ascended Masters, Archangels, your Angels or Guides? I am a Conscious Channel. This allows me to be the bridge between you and the Divine. I offer Channeled messages from your guardian angels, spirit guides, higher selves, and deceased loved ones or any Higher Being that you choose.
I offer these readings to give people a deeper understanding of who they are and what their lives are all about. Your Guidance can give you information on making changes in your life, your relationships, your career, stressful situations, and your spiritual path.
Readings are done over the phone, Wire, or Skype, each reading will include the channeled message and answers to any questions that come from the message. Each reading is recorded and you will receive a copy of the recording
Cost of a 30 minute reading is $159. After paying for a reading and click on the Schedule Now button to schedule your session. Contact me for more information or if you have questions.
If you want a free short channeled message then call in on my blogtalk radio show , 'Love and Amazing Grace' 646-716-5045. It's on Mondays, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm (cst). www.blogtalkradio.com/barbara11121
A Message of Love
Your focus should always be love, pure unconditional Love. There is nothing else “real” in your existence. All else is illusion. Do not allow illusion to rule your life or you will experience much pain and fear, since illusion is created by ego and ego’s only concern is it’s own existence. You are so much more than ego can ever be. Do not become trapped in ego; focus on Love. Open your heart and feel the Love. Open your mind and hear the Love. Step out of ego and be the Love. It is how the world is changed. By changing you, you change all. Everyone is searching for Love, but what they search for is already a part of them. Recognizing the Love you have within is an important step to being that Love everyday. Realizing that ego is not real and only Love exists is an act of freedom for self and all others. We are all ONE. Feel the connection. Become the connection. What you have been taught to believe is real is not and it never will be. You are part of a dream and it is time to awaken. Allow the pure unconditional Love of Creator to be your guide. Ask and We will show you how. Change your life and live a life full of Love, freedom, joy and abundance. It is here for all. All you need do is ask and follow Our guidance. A whole new way of being awaits you. A whole new return to yourself. A return to Love. We are here for you. Do you choose to join Us? No rush, We are always here. Your choice; despair or Love. Your life; ego or Creator. Your existence; dream or reality. All is well. We Love you always.
This message has been given from the Holy Spirit to Barbara Grace Reynolds on 10/20/08.
A message from the Angels:
Dear ones, there is much we would say to you. Not just for you but for all. There is no greater Love then the Love of self. If you would, each and every one, just come to that pure Love of self then all the strife & struggle of life would just disappear. If each one Loved themselves then you would not tolerate less then Love from others. You would know your worth, your value and you would never accept less. It would end all need for war as you would see all through the eyes of Love. And the freedom! You would each experience total freedom to be, to create, to live, to Love. No restrictions, no more boxes! It will be a joyous existence for all!
We encourage each of you to make Loving yourself a priority. Make Loving yourself the basis of all that you do, feel or be. Make Loving yourself your #1 intention in every moment. It is time to re-connect with your Hearts and live life from Love.
Work with us. We are always here for you. Don't hold back! Do it now! So much joy awaits you.
Love, ALL
Contact Information:
Barbara Grace Reynolds
email: [email protected]
Voice Message: 584-917-6470
Appointment Hours:
Monday - Friday Noon - 8:00 pm CST