What Is Energy Upcycling?
Energy Upcycling is the process of converting old dark energy into powerful, beautiful, golden Love.
Energy Upcycling releases you from the darkness and pain of life. It opens you up to your potential and beauty!
When you allow Energy Upcycling you are making your life better. You are removing all of the old fears and pain. You are allowing yourself to shine as you did at birth. When you do Energy Upcycling, you are removing the baggage and garbage from your life. Energy Upcycling only requires 30 minutes of your time. It is quick and painless and you will feel the results immediately. Energy Upcycling reminds me of the beautiful lotus blossom. Louts flowers are considered sacred in part due to their daily cycle, they emerge from muddy ponds but when they open each morning the flower is clean and beautiful. Energy Upcycling brings out the light and beautiful aspects of each of us. We emerge from the mud to shine forth in the world and live in love, health, wealth, beauty and magnificence!
How the Energy Upcycling Method came to be.
Many years ago I was listening to a healer call Mas Sajady and I was intrigued by what he did. I wanted to learn how to help people as quickly and easily as he did. I asked to be shown how to do what he did. Now years later I am getting what I asked for. I am being shown a way to take the healing work that I do to a higher level. A way of releasing/removing old beliefs or dark energies from myself and others so that you are no longer being held back in areas of your life. In the time that I have been doing this work, I have found that it has really made big changes in my life and the lives of others. Now I am being guided to offer this new work to all of you.
Energy Upcycling clears out your old beliefs in seconds and sometime clearing one belief will result in clearing out several other connected beliefs. I can't explain to you how it works because this does not come from my mind. I am guided by my deep connection with Angels and the Divine. They show me the energy being removed and sometimes I see or hear specific beliefs but most of it is just an image of energy moving. Once the dark energy is removed the entire area is filled with the golden light of unconditional love. I can feel people's bodies letting go of what no longer serves them and relaxing into their new way of being. It really is amazing and very fast!
What does the Energy Upcycling Method work on?
Here is a list of some of the issues I have already had success with:
self love
dysfunctional family
creating new relationships
health issues
releasing being a victim
releasing stories
weight issues
luck issues
gender issues
self confidence
resistance to change
being enough
Energy Upcycling works on everything I have tried it on!
How do I sign up for an Energy Upcycling session?
If you want to experience Energy Upcycling at a reduced rate then now is your chance! I have set up 45 minute sessions so that you can easily and quickly changing your life with Energy Upcycling! You can get a 45 minute session for just $199 and all I ask for in return is a testimonial.
Book your session at: Use the paypal button below to pay for your session.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Barbara Grace Reynolds
Energy Upcycling is the process of converting old dark energy into powerful, beautiful, golden Love.
Energy Upcycling releases you from the darkness and pain of life. It opens you up to your potential and beauty!
When you allow Energy Upcycling you are making your life better. You are removing all of the old fears and pain. You are allowing yourself to shine as you did at birth. When you do Energy Upcycling, you are removing the baggage and garbage from your life. Energy Upcycling only requires 30 minutes of your time. It is quick and painless and you will feel the results immediately. Energy Upcycling reminds me of the beautiful lotus blossom. Louts flowers are considered sacred in part due to their daily cycle, they emerge from muddy ponds but when they open each morning the flower is clean and beautiful. Energy Upcycling brings out the light and beautiful aspects of each of us. We emerge from the mud to shine forth in the world and live in love, health, wealth, beauty and magnificence!
How the Energy Upcycling Method came to be.
Many years ago I was listening to a healer call Mas Sajady and I was intrigued by what he did. I wanted to learn how to help people as quickly and easily as he did. I asked to be shown how to do what he did. Now years later I am getting what I asked for. I am being shown a way to take the healing work that I do to a higher level. A way of releasing/removing old beliefs or dark energies from myself and others so that you are no longer being held back in areas of your life. In the time that I have been doing this work, I have found that it has really made big changes in my life and the lives of others. Now I am being guided to offer this new work to all of you.
Energy Upcycling clears out your old beliefs in seconds and sometime clearing one belief will result in clearing out several other connected beliefs. I can't explain to you how it works because this does not come from my mind. I am guided by my deep connection with Angels and the Divine. They show me the energy being removed and sometimes I see or hear specific beliefs but most of it is just an image of energy moving. Once the dark energy is removed the entire area is filled with the golden light of unconditional love. I can feel people's bodies letting go of what no longer serves them and relaxing into their new way of being. It really is amazing and very fast!
What does the Energy Upcycling Method work on?
Here is a list of some of the issues I have already had success with:
self love
dysfunctional family
creating new relationships
health issues
releasing being a victim
releasing stories
weight issues
luck issues
gender issues
self confidence
resistance to change
being enough
Energy Upcycling works on everything I have tried it on!
How do I sign up for an Energy Upcycling session?
If you want to experience Energy Upcycling at a reduced rate then now is your chance! I have set up 45 minute sessions so that you can easily and quickly changing your life with Energy Upcycling! You can get a 45 minute session for just $199 and all I ask for in return is a testimonial.
Book your session at: Use the paypal button below to pay for your session.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Barbara Grace Reynolds
Energy Upcycling Session - $199
Book a Session!
Book With Me
8/23/19 - Lisa Marie
There are only two very special people on this earth that I trust to do energy work on me and Barbara Grace Reynolds is one. I experienced so much in this 10 year journey I have been on yet today was the most phenomenal!!! I have been deeply depressed and opressed for that matter for all of my life. I had never ever experienced self-love no matter how many times healers told me I need to just do this. Well Today -- with the assistance of the Most Marvelous Barbara Grace and her Gifts bestowed upon her by the Angels and God of Heaven - I felt it. Wow Wow Wow blew me away as the layers were pealed back of saddness, loss, Greif that I was just so overwhelmed by for all of my life~ I FELT THE SUN- I FELT LOVE - OVERWELMING JOY- I saw myself on Easter Island with a Golden huge gorgeoous sunshine - I FELT MYSELF THERE-- I could smell the fields of flowers I was in and I FELT LOVE -- LOVE like I have never ever experienced - Self Love- my heart opened - I FELT GREAT WEIGHTS AND DARKNESS LIFT OUT OF ME- just the most MIRACULOUS HEALING "GRACE" --- the greatest gift I have ever received -- at 60 finally I can have the life I was meant to have- I cannot say enough-- -so so GRATEFUL FOR THIS BREATHTAKING HEALING-- God Bless you even More Barbara Grace Reynolds- and Thank you--- I would like to add alll the miraculous lives that were cleared --- issues that I did not know were there were cleared- for ions of lives- I have never had so much work completed ono e on just one session-- !!!!
8/19/19 - DC Love
Hi Everyone, DC Love here! I've been working with Barbara Grace for years & have experienced a mind-blowing healing this afternoon! This is something I've never seen or felt before. Energy Upcycling is the BOMB!!! With her Dear Innate statements, she peeled away layer upon layer, lifetime after lifetime of issues and energy that I've been holding on to. Just an FYI...I've lived over a 100 lifetimes. Barbara had her work cut out for her! Her healing abilities have been taken to another level. She did it all in a relatively short amount of time! Connect for your session & be prepared for a remarkably potent healing! If I did not experience it first hand I would not have been able to comprehend the magnificence of our session! TYBarbara Grace Reynolds.
8/18/19 - Helena Faith Miel
I was very fortunate to be on the receiving end of Barbara Grace’s new healing modality called Energy Upcycling. It worked to get me out of a depression that felt like it was really overtaking me. After a session of Energy Upcycling, I feel like I’m back among the living. In these sessions, Barbara uses her strong intuitive gifts to see exactly what the blocks are and she uses her “Dear Innate” statements to address the challenge and then somehow, she ‘goes in’ and is able to energetically remove blocks.
The system is done purely on an energetic level, is painless and most of all is filled with Barbara Grace’s love, kindness and expertise.
I’m Helena and I approve of this message. Thank you so much Barbara Grace.
8/18/19 - Shashona Pelletier
My husband had a session done today August 16 by Barbara Grace Reynolds for a chronic heart issue and 2 hours later won a windfall on a scratch and win ticket. Unbelievable. Barbara Grace Reynolds is a God send. I would highly recommend her service. He is literally on cloud nine. Shift your energy with Barbara and see what good happens for you!
Since having the session I see my husband walking on cloud nine. He is happier than I have experienced in 25 years. He has another session today and I'll tell you Barbara Grace Reynolds has turned my husband into a complete believer. Thank you Barbara
— feeling excited.
There are only two very special people on this earth that I trust to do energy work on me and Barbara Grace Reynolds is one. I experienced so much in this 10 year journey I have been on yet today was the most phenomenal!!! I have been deeply depressed and opressed for that matter for all of my life. I had never ever experienced self-love no matter how many times healers told me I need to just do this. Well Today -- with the assistance of the Most Marvelous Barbara Grace and her Gifts bestowed upon her by the Angels and God of Heaven - I felt it. Wow Wow Wow blew me away as the layers were pealed back of saddness, loss, Greif that I was just so overwhelmed by for all of my life~ I FELT THE SUN- I FELT LOVE - OVERWELMING JOY- I saw myself on Easter Island with a Golden huge gorgeoous sunshine - I FELT MYSELF THERE-- I could smell the fields of flowers I was in and I FELT LOVE -- LOVE like I have never ever experienced - Self Love- my heart opened - I FELT GREAT WEIGHTS AND DARKNESS LIFT OUT OF ME- just the most MIRACULOUS HEALING "GRACE" --- the greatest gift I have ever received -- at 60 finally I can have the life I was meant to have- I cannot say enough-- -so so GRATEFUL FOR THIS BREATHTAKING HEALING-- God Bless you even More Barbara Grace Reynolds- and Thank you--- I would like to add alll the miraculous lives that were cleared --- issues that I did not know were there were cleared- for ions of lives- I have never had so much work completed ono e on just one session-- !!!!
8/19/19 - DC Love
Hi Everyone, DC Love here! I've been working with Barbara Grace for years & have experienced a mind-blowing healing this afternoon! This is something I've never seen or felt before. Energy Upcycling is the BOMB!!! With her Dear Innate statements, she peeled away layer upon layer, lifetime after lifetime of issues and energy that I've been holding on to. Just an FYI...I've lived over a 100 lifetimes. Barbara had her work cut out for her! Her healing abilities have been taken to another level. She did it all in a relatively short amount of time! Connect for your session & be prepared for a remarkably potent healing! If I did not experience it first hand I would not have been able to comprehend the magnificence of our session! TYBarbara Grace Reynolds.
8/18/19 - Helena Faith Miel
I was very fortunate to be on the receiving end of Barbara Grace’s new healing modality called Energy Upcycling. It worked to get me out of a depression that felt like it was really overtaking me. After a session of Energy Upcycling, I feel like I’m back among the living. In these sessions, Barbara uses her strong intuitive gifts to see exactly what the blocks are and she uses her “Dear Innate” statements to address the challenge and then somehow, she ‘goes in’ and is able to energetically remove blocks.
The system is done purely on an energetic level, is painless and most of all is filled with Barbara Grace’s love, kindness and expertise.
I’m Helena and I approve of this message. Thank you so much Barbara Grace.
8/18/19 - Shashona Pelletier
My husband had a session done today August 16 by Barbara Grace Reynolds for a chronic heart issue and 2 hours later won a windfall on a scratch and win ticket. Unbelievable. Barbara Grace Reynolds is a God send. I would highly recommend her service. He is literally on cloud nine. Shift your energy with Barbara and see what good happens for you!
Since having the session I see my husband walking on cloud nine. He is happier than I have experienced in 25 years. He has another session today and I'll tell you Barbara Grace Reynolds has turned my husband into a complete believer. Thank you Barbara
— feeling excited.