Forgiveness allows you to put down those heavy burdens you have been carrying around for years. It releases people for the future, by dealing with the past: the events, deeds, actions, rewards, achievements, failures, crimes, thoughts and feelings which every person carries around with them. People tend to judge one another, and themselves, by what they have done in the past. Our own sense of who we are is colored by, and dominated by, what we have done in the past and what other people have done to us.
Most of us will have tried to change and improve other people. It’s natural to want to change other people but we must realize that in order to change others we must first change ourselves. We do this by releasing and forgiving. As long as we hold on to our own negative beliefs and unforgiveness we will remain stuck in anger, hurt, depression, overweight, stress and bad health.
When we have done something wrong to someone else; or they have wronged us; this colors and even dominates our awareness of them and ourselves. We can’t let it go. We keep thinking about what we, or they have done. Most often, we keep talking about it to other people, rather than speaking directly to the people who were actually involved. Then our frustration at not being able to change people will turn sour and bitter, and harden into unforgiveness. They’ll never change. I’ll never change.
Remaining stuck in unforgiveness can manifest in our lives as not just emotional difficulties and interpersonal problems but also impaired cardiological, neurological and immune systems. Bottling up feelings of anger simply re-enforces the feelings that we’ve been treated wrong and can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.
There are methods of releasing and forgiving and we can teach them to you. By releasing and forgiving, you will shift from a negative attitude to a positive one.
The practice of releasing and forgiveness has been shown to reduce anger, hurt, depression, and stress. It leads to greater feelings of hope, peace, compassion and self confidence. Practicing forgiveness leads to healthy relationships as well as physical health. It also influences our attitudes, which opens the heart to kindness, beauty, and love.
Releasing and forgiveness is the most powerful step that people, organizations and even nations can take to bring about transformation and growth. It is central to all human development.