This is a weekly call, where you will discover and release your blocks to abundance. Abundance in every form. It's not just about money, it's about the quality of your whole life!
You don't have to just settle in any area. If you want to start living in Joy, Love, Prosperity, Health, and Success in every area of your life then this is the course for you!
I will be doing work on these calls utilizing all of the various methods that I have been guided to learn throughout the years and I will be adding a new way of releasing. You will learn how to work with your Innate body to release the old and bring in what you actually desire to have in your life.
The Innate body is something that Kryon channels messages about. He says that, "The Innate body is programmed for spiritual survival, does everything it can to allow awakening to take place, and is responsible for spontaneous remission.". The Innate body is connected to The Field, The Askashic Records and to your Higher Self. The Innate body is not centralized, it exists everywhere you have any DNA. It is a way of moving beyond the limitations of the physical.
Part of this course will be about learning how to talk to your Innate. How to make conscious statements to deprogram your Innate. We will be working on deprogramming our minds and deprogramming our Innate bodies. This will raise our vibrations and take us to a whole new level of life.
It is time for us to move out of the old beliefs about suffering, struggle and evil and to start creating lives that vibrate with Love and Light. We do not need to fight what is bad, we need to embrace what is good. It is time for you to wake up to who you really are.
Classes are every Monday at 5:30 pm (pdt), 6:30 pm (mdt), 7:30 pm (cdt) and 8:30 pm (edt). Each class will last 60 minutes and will be recorded. Each class will consist of releasing of old beliefs, discussing what is happening in the lives of the participants, setting intentions for what is desired to be manifested and getting channeled messages.
Join us in your own evolution!
You determine your price by the level of commitment. Do this clearing work for 6 months and the price is $219 each month. Do this clearing work for 3 months and the price is $289 each month. Do this clearing work for one month and the price is a one payment of $349. You can save even more on the calls by paying in one payment - $1209 for 6 months or $789 for 3 months.
Joy of Manifesting Course 6 months - $219 per month
Joy of Manifesting Course 6 months - $1209 one time payment
Joy of Manifesting Course 3 months - $289 per month
Joy of Manifesting Course 3 months - $789 one time payment
Joy of Manifesting Course for one month - $349