The Illusions of Life
Here is a message from Guidance for you:
Beloved One, we are here with you always. We encourage you to open and come into alignment with ALL. It is your natural state of being.
You have learned and evolved much and we are please with your progress. We want you to understand that releasing resistance and coming back to the truth is the purpose of all life. It is the only reason for existence. You have each agreed to do this in your own way. This is why we say there is not just one path, one way to enlightenment. You are each working together to create change within that is reflected without.
Some of you have chosen to be guides to others. Some have chosen to be examples - of what is and is not possible. ALL are equal. We do not love some more or less than others. We see only equals. Different but equal.
You each have choices in every moment on how to be; what to allow into your own experience. No one is so bound by destiny that they can not change. You may transform you life in any moment. Allowing yourself to be one with the truth of your existence. You have the freedom - whether you acknowledge it or not. We do not force you - ever.
We assist you in whatever way you have decided is for your highest good at each given moment. When you change - we change. We know this may not be what you have been taught in life. We realize this may be hard for some to understand and for others it may make things clear. It matters not. You are each able to create your lifes. You are each able to move towards or away from understanding. You are each provided with opportunities in each moment. And you are each loved no matter what choice you make.
The world will not end on 12-21-2012. It will continue to evolve. And so will each of you. It is never too late to change. You are loved. ALL