This is the page that will have the downloadable class call recordings and any other information that is posted for you. Only members of the class have access to this page.
10/16/13 Class
Statements to start the day:
I consciously invite my Angelic Team into my life.
My Angelic Team is doing it's perfect work here and now.
My Angelic Team clears and adjusts me for my highest good.
My Angelic Team foresees everything and provides more than enough of whatever I desire.
What I ask my Angelic Team for I always receive in the way that is for my highest good.
I trust my Angelic Team and I overflow with the Love that they have for me.
I am truly grateful for all my Angelic team brings into my life.
Statements to end the day:
Thank you, Angelic Team, for all the wonderful opportunities you brought to me today.
Thank you for helping me to clear all of the issues that came up.
Thank you for providing me with answers to all of my questions.
Thank you for loving me and guiding me in every moment.
I ask that you use my dreams to teach me any lessons that I need to learn and to clear me of anything that is not for my highest good.
You have my permission to work with me in every moment to make my life better and better and better.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Clearing statement for fear. Do this at least once every day.
I now call for all of my known and unknown fears of relationship/ love to come and join me here and now.
I open my heart completely and invite you into all aspects of my being.
It doesn't matter whether you stay or go because I love you, I completely unconditionally love you, I love you.
And I unconditionally love and accept myself.
Thank you for making me aware of what I have been choosing.
I now make a new choice, and I choose to be free of you.
You are now free of me too.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Statements to start the day:
I consciously invite my Angelic Team into my life.
My Angelic Team is doing it's perfect work here and now.
My Angelic Team clears and adjusts me for my highest good.
My Angelic Team foresees everything and provides more than enough of whatever I desire.
What I ask my Angelic Team for I always receive in the way that is for my highest good.
I trust my Angelic Team and I overflow with the Love that they have for me.
I am truly grateful for all my Angelic team brings into my life.
Statements to end the day:
Thank you, Angelic Team, for all the wonderful opportunities you brought to me today.
Thank you for helping me to clear all of the issues that came up.
Thank you for providing me with answers to all of my questions.
Thank you for loving me and guiding me in every moment.
I ask that you use my dreams to teach me any lessons that I need to learn and to clear me of anything that is not for my highest good.
You have my permission to work with me in every moment to make my life better and better and better.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Clearing statement for fear. Do this at least once every day.
I now call for all of my known and unknown fears of relationship/ love to come and join me here and now.
I open my heart completely and invite you into all aspects of my being.
It doesn't matter whether you stay or go because I love you, I completely unconditionally love you, I love you.
And I unconditionally love and accept myself.
Thank you for making me aware of what I have been choosing.
I now make a new choice, and I choose to be free of you.
You are now free of me too.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
10/23/13 Class
Continue to do the statements to start and end your day.
Clearing statement for money. Do this at least once each day:
I now call all of my known and unknown fears about money, including any ancestral or societal fears that did not originate with me to come and join me here now. I call for all my thoughts and/or beliefs about money that are not Truth from God to come and join me here now.
I open my heart completely and invite you into all aspects of my being.
It doesn't matter whether you stay or go because I love you, I completely unconditionally love you, I love you.
And I unconditionally love and accept myself.
Thank you for making me aware of what I have been choosing.
I now make a new choice, and I choose to be free of you from this moment forward..
You are now free of me too.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I now tune into my heart and follow the guidance I receive. I now open myself to receive and allow money into my life. I now choose to know that I am loved by God and that God is always providing for me. I choose to live from my heart. I deserve it. I am worthy. I am good enough. God and I are One. And so it is, and it is so. Thank you.
Continue to do the statements to start and end your day.
Clearing statement for money. Do this at least once each day:
I now call all of my known and unknown fears about money, including any ancestral or societal fears that did not originate with me to come and join me here now. I call for all my thoughts and/or beliefs about money that are not Truth from God to come and join me here now.
I open my heart completely and invite you into all aspects of my being.
It doesn't matter whether you stay or go because I love you, I completely unconditionally love you, I love you.
And I unconditionally love and accept myself.
Thank you for making me aware of what I have been choosing.
I now make a new choice, and I choose to be free of you from this moment forward..
You are now free of me too.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I now tune into my heart and follow the guidance I receive. I now open myself to receive and allow money into my life. I now choose to know that I am loved by God and that God is always providing for me. I choose to live from my heart. I deserve it. I am worthy. I am good enough. God and I are One. And so it is, and it is so. Thank you.
10-30-13 Class
Continue to do the statements to start and end your day.
Invite the Angel of Loving Relationships to join your team.
Clearing statement for being good enough. Do this at least once each day.
I now call all of my known and unknown beliefs, doubts and guilt that have programed me to believe that I am not good enough, including any ancestral or societal beliefs/fears that did not originate within me to come and join me here now. I call for all my thoughts and/or beliefs about my self value that are not Truth from God to come and join me here now.
I open my heart completely and invite you into all aspects of my being.
It doesn't matter whether you stay or go because I love you, I completely unconditionally love you, I love you.
And I unconditionally love and accept myself.
Thank you for making me aware of what I have been choosing.
I now make a new choice, and I choose to release you from my life. I am free of you from this moment forward..
And you are now free of me.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I now choose to tune into my heart and follow the guidance I receive. I now open myself to recognize that I am equal to everyone else. I now choose to know that I am loved by God and that God knows I have value. I choose to trust God and to live from my heart. I deserve it. I am worthy. I AM GOOD ENOUGH! God and I are One. And so it is, and it is so. Thank you
Continue to do the statements to start and end your day.
Invite the Angel of Loving Relationships to join your team.
Clearing statement for being good enough. Do this at least once each day.
I now call all of my known and unknown beliefs, doubts and guilt that have programed me to believe that I am not good enough, including any ancestral or societal beliefs/fears that did not originate within me to come and join me here now. I call for all my thoughts and/or beliefs about my self value that are not Truth from God to come and join me here now.
I open my heart completely and invite you into all aspects of my being.
It doesn't matter whether you stay or go because I love you, I completely unconditionally love you, I love you.
And I unconditionally love and accept myself.
Thank you for making me aware of what I have been choosing.
I now make a new choice, and I choose to release you from my life. I am free of you from this moment forward..
And you are now free of me.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I now choose to tune into my heart and follow the guidance I receive. I now open myself to recognize that I am equal to everyone else. I now choose to know that I am loved by God and that God knows I have value. I choose to trust God and to live from my heart. I deserve it. I am worthy. I AM GOOD ENOUGH! God and I are One. And so it is, and it is so. Thank you
11-6-13 Class
Continue to do the statements to start and end your day.
Write down your three fears and send them to Barbara.
Take a few minutes each day and repeat the following with lots of feeling:
Divine Laws are the Principles of Being, the realities of life, the way things are in Truth.
The Law says that scarcity is against the Law, that abundance is natural, and that my finances are continually in a state of all-sufficiency. Regardless of appearances, I accept this Truth.
The Law says my body is whole, vibrant, and well, that radiant health is my true nature. Regardless of appearances, I accept this Truth.
The Law says my success in life is assured, that I am in my true place doing what I love and loving what I do. Regardless of appearances, I accept this Truth.
The Law says my relationships are warm, loving, caring and meaningful, and that everyone I meet reflects back to me the true spirit of love and goodwill. Regardless of appearances, I accept this Truth.
The Law says that what I accept, I will experience. I have accepted my Truth of Being with all my heart and mind, and I know that by Law, all that is good, true and beautiful in life is rushing to me now.
The Law is fulfilled, and so am I.
Continue to do the statements to start and end your day.
Write down your three fears and send them to Barbara.
Take a few minutes each day and repeat the following with lots of feeling:
Divine Laws are the Principles of Being, the realities of life, the way things are in Truth.
The Law says that scarcity is against the Law, that abundance is natural, and that my finances are continually in a state of all-sufficiency. Regardless of appearances, I accept this Truth.
The Law says my body is whole, vibrant, and well, that radiant health is my true nature. Regardless of appearances, I accept this Truth.
The Law says my success in life is assured, that I am in my true place doing what I love and loving what I do. Regardless of appearances, I accept this Truth.
The Law says my relationships are warm, loving, caring and meaningful, and that everyone I meet reflects back to me the true spirit of love and goodwill. Regardless of appearances, I accept this Truth.
The Law says that what I accept, I will experience. I have accepted my Truth of Being with all my heart and mind, and I know that by Law, all that is good, true and beautiful in life is rushing to me now.
The Law is fulfilled, and so am I.
11-13-13 Class
Please continue to use the statements and clearings that you learned for as long as you like. Just because the class has ended does not mean that you need to go back to the way that you were. This is all part of our awakening into the beautiful spiritual beings that we all ready are! So dump the ego and get into your own Spiritual Self!
Remember that everyone that you meet or interact with is reflecting what you believe about yourself. If you didn't believe it then you would not notice it. Pay attention and forgive yourself as you release it all to Spirit.
Here are some of the things I read in the class. Meditate on them and see what messages you get for your own life. "I of myself can do nothing. The Spirit of God within me does the work and Spirit is doing and being everything now. My only responsibility in this matter is to abide in Spirit."
"I do not need to pray for a soul-mate relationship. The perfect relationship for me already exists in the Master Mind within. I need only to identify and recognize my Spirit as the Source and Activity of all my relationships and spiritual law will work through my consciousness to reveal the perfect complement to my soul. I no longer have the responsibility for finding my right mate."
Here are the words you can say when you are feeling that life is triggering you. "This is none of my business. Those red flags were for my human self and it does not exist anymore. i am a spiritual being living in a spiritual universe as a witness to the Activity of God, and I refuse to descend back into the dense vibrations to fight the battle. I've given everything to Spirit and now I have everything spiritually--and this spiritual energy is now revealing the Finished Kingdom. I am free at last!"
The book is "A Spiritual Philosophy for the New World by John Randolph Price.
And this last bit that was from the book, 'The Jesus Code by John Randolph Price. "Now I understand. That which I chase runs from me, whether health, wealth, success or right relations. To be as Jesus means to be still and BECOME that which I seek, that which I already am and have in the completeness of my being. Then everything I desire through my vision of the ideal life will literally chase me.
I have found the point of contact within my mind that corresponds to the finished kingdom on earth, the wholeness of life where every aspiration is already fully manifest. I have seen this. I have felt it. I have walked into it in consciousness and have become it. I am all that I could conceive myself to be, and the glory of God now fills my heart and mind.
And the Word is spoken: Be still and know that I am God."
You all have been so much fun and such a pleasure to learn with! Thank you so much for stepping forward in your lives and making this world a better place for us all! Love, Barbara
Please continue to use the statements and clearings that you learned for as long as you like. Just because the class has ended does not mean that you need to go back to the way that you were. This is all part of our awakening into the beautiful spiritual beings that we all ready are! So dump the ego and get into your own Spiritual Self!
Remember that everyone that you meet or interact with is reflecting what you believe about yourself. If you didn't believe it then you would not notice it. Pay attention and forgive yourself as you release it all to Spirit.
Here are some of the things I read in the class. Meditate on them and see what messages you get for your own life. "I of myself can do nothing. The Spirit of God within me does the work and Spirit is doing and being everything now. My only responsibility in this matter is to abide in Spirit."
"I do not need to pray for a soul-mate relationship. The perfect relationship for me already exists in the Master Mind within. I need only to identify and recognize my Spirit as the Source and Activity of all my relationships and spiritual law will work through my consciousness to reveal the perfect complement to my soul. I no longer have the responsibility for finding my right mate."
Here are the words you can say when you are feeling that life is triggering you. "This is none of my business. Those red flags were for my human self and it does not exist anymore. i am a spiritual being living in a spiritual universe as a witness to the Activity of God, and I refuse to descend back into the dense vibrations to fight the battle. I've given everything to Spirit and now I have everything spiritually--and this spiritual energy is now revealing the Finished Kingdom. I am free at last!"
The book is "A Spiritual Philosophy for the New World by John Randolph Price.
And this last bit that was from the book, 'The Jesus Code by John Randolph Price. "Now I understand. That which I chase runs from me, whether health, wealth, success or right relations. To be as Jesus means to be still and BECOME that which I seek, that which I already am and have in the completeness of my being. Then everything I desire through my vision of the ideal life will literally chase me.
I have found the point of contact within my mind that corresponds to the finished kingdom on earth, the wholeness of life where every aspiration is already fully manifest. I have seen this. I have felt it. I have walked into it in consciousness and have become it. I am all that I could conceive myself to be, and the glory of God now fills my heart and mind.
And the Word is spoken: Be still and know that I am God."
You all have been so much fun and such a pleasure to learn with! Thank you so much for stepping forward in your lives and making this world a better place for us all! Love, Barbara